inter naughtfull
2021-05-12 21:54:51 UTC
inter naughtfull's profile photo
inter naughtfull
5:46 PM (1 minute ago)
I've got a Toshiba XM-3601B SCSI cdrom. I need an external
enclosure with a power supply so I can plug it into the wall.
These are hard to find. They all seem to be USB based now.
However, is there a way I can rig a cord from the cdrom
to the wall? It will be rarely used so having the cdrom in a
protected box really isn't that important. But I do need a
way to get power to it! I've checked AZ, Ebay, NewEgg, Goodwill.
inter naughtfull
5:46 PM (1 minute ago)
I've got a Toshiba XM-3601B SCSI cdrom. I need an external
enclosure with a power supply so I can plug it into the wall.
These are hard to find. They all seem to be USB based now.
However, is there a way I can rig a cord from the cdrom
to the wall? It will be rarely used so having the cdrom in a
protected box really isn't that important. But I do need a
way to get power to it! I've checked AZ, Ebay, NewEgg, Goodwill.